Tuesday, August 25, 2009


We have no TV out here at the ranch. There is no off-the-air TV this far from any major town, and we dropped our Dish Network service last June. We thought we would have FTA (Free to Air) service, but that's another story for another day. Bottom line, we do not have any television and are compelled to listen to AM radio.

That means one thing: Rush Limbaugh. Actually, we found a "progressive" station that has a battery of liberal commentators on all day. Guess what? Both sides are guilty of spinning the news to suit their purposes, i.e., bias. They make out-and-out false statements, exaggerated statements and misstatements -- all for the purpose of tearing down "the other side." Seldom do they, liberal or conservative commentators, offer anything constructive.

And both sides always seem angry about something or someone. Why so?

There seems to be no room for rational discussion or civil disagreement. You must be upset over the alleged missteps, misstatements or misquotes of the other sides. Never, never ever agree that the opposing side might have a idea worth considering. Never concede that some idea from the opposition deserves further investigation. Never admit that you have no constructive counter proposal.

Just get mad. Yell like hell. Raise your voice. Make wild accusations about the intentions, morality or patriotism of those whose ideology you do not like. And all the time keep reminding people, ad infinitum, that you speak from, in Limbaugh's case, the EIB (Excellence in Broadcasting) network. That makes it sound like your rants have some actual legitimacy. The folks on the progressive radio station to which we have listening do the same thing, just with a different name or emphasis to justify their verbal abuse. Close to half the air time of either side is spent discussing, disagreeing, that is, with comments made by another radio personality. They are not even getting mad over something said or done by a person in a responsible position in the government.

Having television, however, and regrettably, will not change things we have discovered. So many people I talk to have closed their minds to anything they do not want to hear. They substitute the perceived bias of "other" networks for the bias of their favorite network. They listen to one radio station and watch one TV station. This keeps them well informed on one point of view.

Our education system has failed if this trend continues or spreads. Our schools use to teach us to consider the source, question the motives of the speaker, analyze the facts for ourselves, and always, doubt universal statements, those starting with "all" or "every." Too many of us, it seems, do not do that.

We have a population of gullible voters who will, apparently, believe anything they are told so long as it comes from the right source. (No pun intended.) When presented with an opposing view they emulate their favorite radio spokesperson and raise their voice to make accusations about those ideas or proposals with which they disagree. They (we) have adopted the tactic: If reason won't work, try fear.

We're in trouble folks if this trend continues.

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